import { of, fromEvent, merge, Observable, EMPTY } from 'rxjs';
import { map, scan, startWith, filter } from 'rxjs/operators';
// Setup
const add1 = document.querySelector('#add1');
const add2 = document.querySelector('#add2');
const undoBtn = document.querySelector('#undo');
const redoBtn = document.querySelector('#redo');
const output = document.querySelector('output');
// A static reference we can use to identify "undo" emissions below
const UNDO_TOKEN = {};
const REDO_TOKEN = {};
const INITIAL_VALUE = 0;
const add1Click$ = fromEvent(add1, 'click');
const add2Click$ = fromEvent(add2, 'click');
const undoClick$ = fromEvent(undoBtn, 'click');
const redoClick$ = fromEvent(redoBtn, 'click');
// Just a source that increments a number over time when
// you click buttons.
const source$ = merge(
// when we click "+ 1" it adds `1`
add1Click$.pipe(map(() => 1)),
// when we click "+ 2" it adds `2`
add2Click$.pipe(map(() => 2))
// A reducer to accumlate our number
scan((acc, n) => acc + n, 0),
// Start with 0, so we have an initial value to display
// Here we're adding our custom `undo` and subscribing to it.
// "Undo" whenever we click the "Undo" button.
undo(undoClick$, redoClick$)
.subscribe(value => (output.textContent = '' + value));
* Subscribes to the `undoNotifier`, and emits all values from
* `source`. When `undoNotifier` emits, it will emit previously
* emitted values back through time.
* If a `redoNotifier` is passed, it's subscribed to, and when
* it emits, will "redo" anything that was "undone", unless new
* values have come from the source.
* TODO: Add an upper-bounds to the undo state collected.
function undo<T>(undoNotifier: Observable<any>, redoNotifier: Observable<any> = EMPTY) {
return (source: Observable<T>) =>
merge(undoNotifier.pipe(map(() => UNDO_TOKEN)), redoNotifier.pipe(map(() => REDO_TOKEN)), source).pipe(
scan<T, { state: T[]; redos: T[] | null }>(
(d, x) => {
let { state, redos } = d;
if (x === UNDO_TOKEN) {
// We were notified of an "undo". pop state.
if (state && state.length > 1) {
redos = redos || (d.redos = []);
} else if (x === REDO_TOKEN) {
if (redos && redos.length > 0) {
} else {
if (redos) {
// clear our redos as new history is written
redos.length = 0;
state = state || (d.state = []);
// It's not an "undo", push state
return d;
{ state: null, redos: null }
// we only care about state past here
map(x => x.state),
// Don't emit if we don't have state
filter(x => x !== null),
// Take the last value from state
map(state => state[state.length - 1])
<h1>Very, very simple "undo"</h1>
<p>Click the buttons below to increment the value</p>
<button id="add1">+ 1</button>
<button id="add2">+ 2</button>
<p>Click this button to "undo" previous changes to the value</p>
<button id="undo">Undo</button>
<p>Click this button to "redo" previous changes to the value</p>
<button id="redo">Redo</button>
<output style="font-size:3rem"></output>